Tuesday 18 November 2008

Student Learning Curve

The little first-ies arrived yesterday while I was propping up the dentist's chair. Only difference is I don't have to do that again for the next 6 months. Neither of them has been on a ward before so this will be such a baptism of fire for the poor little things. Oh and then I had 6 patients of my own today to look after and while I almost got everything done (there was this mix-up about dressings). Things just went slower and were more difficult. Not anyone in particular's fault... unless it was mine that is. They have no practice with obs... yet, I'll get them proficient by the end of the week.

It's going to be a steep learning curve for them to bring them up to the performance of our auxiliaries. Not all that far away from mine. The one that is bringing me up to the level of our staff nurses.

Truth is they have shown me in less than 8 hours how bl**dy far I've come. I was looking at their outcomes (the basics they need for this placement) and though I'd been working, what, 3 hours and I had used all of these and a whole load of skills they are yet to learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Standard Deviation = job security.
Heh heh.

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