See this is how it goes..... Back in first year I bought a whole load of textbooks. At the moment it works about to around 1 per essay. Then you go and get told that what I was using (which was fine for first year and are still accepted by the college fore written work [or so I thought]) are not in fact of any use. Well granted since I bought most of them they are now out of date. Some of them went out of date only 6 months after I bought them. Massive waste of money, though I still used them just referenced the newer edition (and double checked to make sure they said the same things).
Mostly the only bits to go out of date are the resus / acute care stuff (like I started the course and it was 15 compressions to 2 breaths, now it's 30 compressions to 2 breaths for adults) or blood norms or procedure protocols (which are governed by evidence based practice and seem to change on a day to day basis). Recently I've replaced 2 of my textbooks with the new editions (yes I DO realise I only have 3 months of study to go).
So what textbooks are the best? Meh it seems to be a personal choice to be honest, because if you find one to be easy to understand then go for it but the college / uni might be recomending something else.
Right books I really love...
Your starter for 10... I think everyone should at least read this. I bought it at the begining and it has been faithful ever since. The second edition only came out a couple of months ago to match the new NMC code (there's a copy of the code in it) and it's not one of the ones I replacing.
The Student Nurse Handbook (1st and 2nd year) and The Newly Qualified Nurse's Handbook (3rd year and post qualifing) by Bethann Siviter are fantastic.
Oh and she does the drawings herself!
Right everyone needs a dictionary. I've managed to aquire several over the years but this one at least fits into my bag.Finally a core text... This one is prescribed but I never took to the 2nd edition. The 3rd edition came out...oh about a year ago and I resented the thought of getting a new one especially at £30 a go.
I just couldn't read the werid colour of text in the 2nd edition (and the writing style left me with a headache). I went out and got the 3rd edition today and they seem to have at least fixed the colours and put in a few diagrams. Warning this one weighs in at about 6kg but we've never had to carry it in.
Other text books.....
Research - consider getting a basic book on research if you're going down the degree route.
Area specific - I know people that loved one area so much the have books on specific areas (e.g. acute, older adult, cardiac, etc). Not essential but can be helpful especially if you enjoy those areas.
Calculations - if you struggle with the maths a good drug calculations text might help... or you know find a helpful math geek (*ahem* that would be me in our class) to help you out.
Nursing model specific - I own a text specifically applying the Roper, Logan and Tierny model (it's out of date now but I got it for a nursing models essay at the time). These can be really good especially when filling out placement paperwork and the like (endless source of references for the likes of communication and dying).
Clinical Skills - there are manuals all over the shop outlining the different skills, how to do them and what you need to do them. Some are more basic than others. I own a basic one but will ned to go out later this week and get a more advanced one for placement references. I'm considering the Royal Marsden Manual for this. I've picked it up a few times and it seems to be what I'm looking for. I'll update on that later.
So yea that's that I'll be doing on my week off!
P.S. I don't work for Waterstones (I just buy a lot of textbooks there) but I wouldn't be upset of they wanted to send me an ebook reader as a token of thanks!
P.P.S. Kidding..... slightly.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
You don't even really have to buy them... just get them out of the library- especially the expensive A+P ones or the Royal Marsden.
That said, I own the Royal Marsden 2007. Two dictionarys, an A+P Colouring book- BRILLIANT for learning the basics! Absolutely brilliant.
Also, Anatomy and Physiology made incredibly easy is fab, as is the clinical pharmacology one (you have to get used to the amaerican names, is all).
I love the Royal Marsden. I bought it solely because I was determined not to one of those mental health nurses who haven't got a clue about any 'hands on' clinical skills. All my other ones are area specific; I get general ones out of the library but I know I'll want to re-read the ones that interest me more.
Ah see I totally forgot about anatomy. I only bought the core text (cos we had too). But I love science and never really needed to work very hard at it (oh and we've not touched it for a year now).
Also I love books and seem to find the money for a new book before buying essential clothes. (I live in uniform and PJs / scrubs at the moment so it's not necessary!)
Going to get Royal Marsden from the college bookshop on Wednesday when I head back.... so that's more that £50 on textbooks in a week.... I've done worse!
I believe that the best way to go about it is to have a plan of study to start with, and follow through to the end.
At the same time buying many book is not a mistake and I am an advocate of continuous learning.
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